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Get FREE access to the whole first module

Limited time only

I’d love to show you this course, so I’m offering the whole first module totally free, no obligations, for a short time only. Simply create your free account, and you can preview the Introduction and all of Module 1 of Wild & Free.

Wild & Free

The Wild & Free course is a 6-module self-paced online journey that supports you to unleash your authentic 'wild' self and discover who you really are beyond the conditioning and programming of society and culture, limiting beliefs of your mind and stories you hold from your past. This is about 'freeing' yourself from the shoulds and obligations of your current life and discovering your true essence and potential. This is an open invitation to all curious women that are ready to break out of the confinement and restrictions holding them back, in all areas of their life. If you are ready to ignite your spark within, discover your blocks and start to heal them with awareness and intention and see clearly with 'fresh' eyes the truth of who you really are and what you value and desire in this life... then this course is definitely for you!

If you are currently feeling stuck, lost, confused and unsure, or limited, know you’re playing it small, feeling fearful or anxious and finding it hard to make the changes you know you need to then this is for you!

Our conditioning keeps us playing 'roles' and choosing from a limited perspective, leaving us caged and settling. This course will offer you relief through deeper understanding and offer you a way through and out with practical support for your real-life circumstances. 

You will know yourself better by the end, you'll be able to identify your blocks and have practical tools that work and help you heal them. You'll feel set free, unleashed and empowered. You will feel inspired, courageous and willing to make the changes in your own life. 

You are being called to live 
'Wild & Free'

...step away from settling beautiful, it's your time!

In the course you will find

Video lessons, audio recordings and meditations, PDF's and Worksheets and a list of recommended resources

  • Video Lessons

  • Audio Recordings

  • Meditations

  • PDF's & Worksheets

  • Recommended Resources

Discover your true potential

Now is the time to awaken

I'm inspired to guide you to raise your consciousness by becoming aware of your conditioned thoughts, beliefs and behaviours leading you to a life of choice freedom peace and love. Healing and releasing the old outdated and misunderstood parts whilst embracing your Wild & Free authentic self is the focus.

Live from your heart

and uncover a new way of being

Wild & Free

What's in the course....

  • 1

    Welcome to Wild & Free Beautiful!

    • Welcome to Wild & Free Beautiful

    • Introduction - My Story

    • How to do the work

  • 2

    Module 1: Life of the Tamed

    • Life of the Tamed

    • Awareness and a New Way of Being

    • Get curious about your past stories

    • Meditation: Set yourself free from the illusions

    • Observing your past - Pre Questionnaire Information

    • Observing your past questionnaire

    • Module 1: Resources

  • 3

    Module 2: The Call to Your Wild

    • The Call to Your Wild

    • Free is your natural state

    • Your True Essence - Simple, Soulful, Sacred

    • WORKSHEET: Your Values

    • WORKSHEET: Your Identity, Roles, Talents and Gifts

    • Meditation: Your call to the WILD

    • Chapter 2: Resources

  • 4

    Module 3: Cultivating Courage to Transform

    • Cultivating Courage to Transform

    • Head vs Heart

    • The Eaglet Story

    • I Am Not Afraid - Joan of Arc

    • The Shadow Work

    • Journal Prompts for Awareness and Healing

    • Meditation: Cultivating Courage with Joan of Arc

    • Module 3: Resources

  • 5

    Module 4: Gathering ALL of you

    • Self Love - Love is the key

    • Worthiness and Wholeness

    • Love Letter to Self

    • Boundaries and People Pleasing

    • Intuition is key

    • Discover your intuition type

    • Journal Prompts: Things I Love

    • Sacred Union

    • Meditation: Gathering all aspects of you to wholeness

    • Module 4: Resources

  • 6

    Module 5: Intimacy & Relationships

    • Connecting Authentically and Deeply with Life and Others by Remaining Open

    • Technique for Opening Your Heart

    • Opening Your Spiritual Heart

    • Suggestions for Opening Your Spiritual Heart

    • Worksheet: Who Am I?

    • Understanding Masculine & Feminine Energy

    • Intimacy and Relationships

    • What is Conscious Intimacy?

    • Meditation: Sound Healing and Balancing the Sacral Chakra

    • Module 5: Resources

  • 7

    Module 6: Live Your Potential

    • Live Your Potential

    • Sharing your light

    • Exploring Your Character Strengths

    • MEDITATION: Deep Sea Diving Soul Journey with Rebecca Campbell

    • Passion and fulfilment

    • Doing what you care about and love - creativity is the key!

    • States of Being

    • Understanding Divine Timing

    • We Are Rising - Song

    • Healthy Habits Worksheet

    • Meditation: Embracing Your Purpose

    • What is Effective Journalling?

    • Chapter 6: Resources

Get FREE access to the whole first module

Limited time only

I’d love to show you this course, so I’m offering the whole first module totally free, no obligations, for a short time only. Simply create your free account, and you can preview the Introduction and all of Module 1 of Wild & Free.

Wild & Free

was lovingly created by

Higher Consciousness Mentor

Sally Williams

My purpose is to Guide Spiritual Awakening Women, like yourself, to a Path of Passion and Purpose. It is no coincidence you are here so take a look around and let's get started. You may be searching for another way, some relief from your life not being in alignment and a sense of confusion and lack of clarity with how to find your purpose. You may be looking for more depth and meaning in your life and are lacking a sense of real satisfaction. I know because I have lived this, and I want to support you. It is time to find more passion and joy and truly live a life you feel inspired to create. I look forward to working with you.


from beautiful souls

Become aware, clear and empowered!

by Lily Conte

The content allowed me to see clearly my past, the blocks I had in my beliefs and stories I was holding onto that kept me feeling not enough. I was able to by the end, identify my shadow traits I was falling into and reacting from. I became aware, clearer and much more empowered and it's led me to take the steps of change to the authentic and real me! I highly recommend this work with Sally and all it will help you to see and overcome and be set free from.

I found out how to LOVE who I am

Ambyre Rainbow

I had spent most of my life, living for others, making choices based off the expectations and wants of others. I was 44 years old and had no idea who I was. I look back now and can that I was living on autopilot, not really living at all. Sally's course went deep into all parts of my life, allowing me to find out who I am, value who I am and most of all to LOVE who I am. I was able to find my passions, my spirit, my happiness. Sally's course allow me to know my self worth and gave me confidence to follow my life purpose. I am now proud to say I am now running my own holistic wellness business. I will be forever grateful to Sally and her life changing teachings.

I've healed so many areas

Eliza Jenkins

I recently completed Sally's course and it was the most amazing journey. It was a real gift to be able to do for myself, far too often we put ourselves as mums and women last. I'm so truly grateful I chose to do my life has taken some amazing twists and bends, I've healed so many areas & worked through some amazing old stories that were really holding me back. I highly highly recommend Sally for Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Readings and most importantly (for me!) the course. I am so excited to see what is around the corner for myself...thank-you Sal!

It's time...

to come home to yourself